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Your monthly or one-time donation will support Ottawa News Network, a nonprofit news service dedicated to providing the residents of Ottawa County with trustworthy, community-driven news.
Whether you're able to give monthly or occasionally, your dollars go toward ONN's public-service journalism, which enriches lives and empowers Ottawa County’s 300,000-plus residents to stay engaged, make informed decisions, and strengthen local democracy.
If you've already given once to support our launch, thank you! Please consider becoming a monthly donor, to help us grow, improve and sustain what we've started. Look for the "Every Month" option, below.
Ottawa News Network is fiscally sponsored by The Tiny News Collective (EIN 85-3963369),
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in a restricted fund for the charitable purposes of Ottawa News Network but retains variance power in accordance with our
fiscal sponsorship agreement with Ottawa News Network and FASB Statements 958-605-25-25 and -26. Donations to
Tiny News Collective are tax-deductible as permitted by law. You should consult your tax advisor
regarding the deductibility of your donation.
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